Automation for invoices, expenses, bank reconciliation, tax calculation & accounting

Automation accelerates productivity, performance and profits

Your team can grow sales and service new clients as Xebra turns routine tasks and processes into automated workflows


Recurring Invoices & Expenses

Auto generate invoices for retainer clients and recurring expenses at pre-set intervals

Company Purchase

Achieving targets

Real-time view of sales numbers as you evaluate them with your current targets and last year's numbers

Inventory track with recurring purchases

Set Recurring purchases and keep a real-time track of the inventory quantities of your stock items

Company Purchase

Foreign Exchange calculations

Save time calculating the forex gain or loss with every invoice on international client. Ditto for expenses from international vendors

One-click vendors payouts

Stop going to your bank's websites to create beneficiaries and make payment. Xebra's one-click lets you make and record the payment and auto-update your accounting books


Salary payouts and slips

Saves effort and time with simplified salary calculation and payment to each employee. Plus, auto generation of salary slips

Automated customised workflows

Save time by converting your routine approvals of expenses vouchers and leaves into automated workflows


Asset Tracking and Depreciation

Auto calculates depreciation of business assets and updates it in your accounting books

Bank entry reconciliation

Saves hundreds of hours reconciling client and vendor payments with bank entries every month


Tax calculation

Avoid last minute rush to calculate your GST and TDS liability every month. Simply record your invoices and expenses on time and Xebra will calculate all your business tax liabilities fur for payment

Automated Accounting

No more passing manual journal entries to update your ledgers and trial balance. Get a real-time view of your Profit and loss and Balance Sheet along with other accounting reports anytime of the year

Company Purchase

What's the big deal about Xebra?





